Finding locations for community service is the responsibility of the juvenile.
A-Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), American Legion Posts, Animal Control, Animal Shelters, Animal Rescues
B-Blood Banks/Centers, Boys and Girls Clubs
C-Cancer Charities/Events, Catholic Charities, Charity Thrift Marts, Churches, Community Centers, Community Services Leagues, City Services, Conservation Organizations, Council of the Blind, Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA)
D-Day Cares associated with schools or churches only, Disabled American Veterans
E-Eagles' Lodges, Emergency Relief Organizations, Evangelical Organizations
F-Fire Departments, Food Kitchens, Food Pantries, Foster Care Centers, Fund Raising for Diseases
H-Handicapped Support Groups-adults or children, Health Departments, Historic Sites, Historical Societies, Home Owners Associations, Hospice Organizations, Hospital Volunteer Groups
I-Illness Support Groups
J-Junior Service Leagues
K-Knights of Columbus
L-Libraries, Lions' Clubs
M-Mental Disability Support Groups/Organizations, Ministries, Mosques, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
N-Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Neighborhood Associations, Nursing Homes
O-Optimist Clubs, Oregon-California Trails Association, Out Reach Organizations
P-Parks and Recreation, Police Departments, Prayer Centers
R-Recycling Centers, Red Cross, Rotary Clubs
S-Salvation Army, Schools (NOT FUN ACTIVITIES, ie janitorial services, moving furniture for teachers, getting classrooms ready) Shelters, Sheriff's Departments, Shriners, Special Olympics, Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD), Synagogues
T-Thrift Stores/Marts
U-United Way
V-VFW Posts
W-Wild Life Organizations
Y-YMCA, Young Matrons Groups, Youth Volunteer Corps of Greater Kansas City
* NOTE *
* A business whose goal is to make money for the owner(s), is NOT a non-profit organization. Even if you're not being paid and the business is not "showing a profit", those hours WILL NOT COUNT!
* You must make sure you're working for a non-profit (charitable) organization.
* Working for a neighbor, relative or other individual is NOT ACCEPTABLE. While we appreciate the sentiment of those acts, your hours must be completed through an organization.
* If you have a question about a specific organization, ask if they have a 501 C3 or call the Youth Court office.