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Finding locations for community service is the responsibility of the juvenile.

A-Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), American Legion Posts, Animal Control, Animal Shelters, Animal Rescues

B-Blood Banks/Centers, Boys and Girls Clubs

C-Cancer Charities/Events, Catholic Charities, Charity Thrift Marts, Churches, Community Centers, Community Services Leagues, City Services, Conservation Organizations, Council of the Blind, Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA)


D-Day Cares associated with schools or churches only, Disabled American Veterans


E-Eagles' Lodges, Emergency Relief Organizations, Evangelical Organizations


F-Fire Departments, Food Kitchens, Food Pantries, Foster Care Centers,  Fund Raising for Diseases


H-Handicapped Support Groups-adults or children, Health Departments, Historic Sites, Historical Societies, Home Owners Associations, Hospice Organizations, Hospital Volunteer Groups


I-Illness Support Groups


J-Junior Service Leagues


K-Knights of Columbus


L-Libraries, Lions' Clubs


M-Mental Disability Support Groups/Organizations, Ministries, Mosques, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)


N-Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Neighborhood Associations, Nursing Homes


O-Optimist Clubs, Oregon-California Trails Association, Out Reach Organizations


P-Parks and Recreation, Police Departments, Prayer Centers


R-Recycling Centers, Red Cross, Rotary Clubs


S-Salvation Army, Schools (NOT FUN ACTIVITIES, ie janitorial services, moving furniture for teachers, getting classrooms ready) Shelters, Sheriff's Departments, Shriners, Special Olympics, Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD), Synagogues


T-Thrift Stores/Marts


U-United Way


V-VFW Posts


W-Wild Life Organizations


Y-YMCA, Young Matrons Groups, Youth Volunteer Corps of Greater Kansas City



*  NOTE    *    

 * A business whose goal is to make money for the owner(s), is NOT a non-profit organization.  Even if you're not being paid and the business is not "showing a profit", those hours WILL NOT COUNT!                                                                                                                                                                                                     


* You must make sure you're working for a non-profit (charitable) organization.

* Working for a neighbor, relative or other individual is NOT ACCEPTABLE.  While we appreciate the sentiment of those acts, your hours must be completed through an organization.        


* If you have a question about a specific organization, ask if they have a 501 C3 or call the Youth Court office.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Below are some locations you can reach out to, we cannot guarantee that they will have work, are still open, or have not moved. Though we do our best it is still the responsibility of the juvenile to find the location that accept them for community service. 

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